You need to apologize.  Such rude and boorish behavior has no place on our list.
I reluctantly suggest that the first words which come to mind are
Regards,  Bob S.

On 5/29/07, AlexG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You accuse me of being a racist, wife beating rapist. Then you argue
> for the intellectual value of the feminist movement and the virtue of
> an open mind. You then decide to follow up with an assumption of me of
> having a "tiny winy" hog and difficulty getting it into the game, and,
> and make this a root cause of some fear of women.
> It pleases me to see that, upon having nothing to say (see previous
> post) you fell back on raw, unfiltered emotion, allowed it to feed
> upon itself, and released a volley of nonsensical, groundless
> accusations, which, with slight differences in subject matter remind
> one of schoolyard name calling. I never posted anything remotely
> inappropriate. A couple of joking comments were enough to expose your
> significant insecurities & trust issues. You identified with the
> subservient role that was implied and, hating yourself for it
> attempted to gain the moral high ground, using, in order, the race,
> faith, nationality, and sexual orientation cards. These are parallels
> used by weak minds because of the nearly universal  sympathy they
> garner. In so doing YOU are the racist, nazi homophobe. By using them
> for your own purposes, you legitimize the hatred of each group, and
> you condone the SEGREGATION of each into a distinct group in the first
> place, as opposed to just other human beings.
> Allow me to expound upon the true nature of gender relations. Consider
> yourself lucky because this is akin to Cliffnotes that never made it
> to print.
> Feminists are feminists because they loathe the subservient role they
> are expected to play in society. A fact they are aware of but
> consciously ignore is that in the end, might wins out over ideals.
> -The average man can *destroy* the average woman with relatively
> little effort because of physiological differences (musculature + bone
> density).
> -The average man has thought processes that tend to logic/reason vs emotion.
> -Biologically, the man must WANT to mate. The woman can be forced to mate.
> Or, to bring it down to your level of understanding, man is the
> f*ckER. Woman is the f*ckEE
> ********I mention these points because you yourself alluded to them.*******
> A woman knows these facts on a subconscious (and occasionally
> conscious level) and can counteract them with one tool: emotion.
> Emotion is a state of mind every human experiences but which males
> suppress or ignore. It makes us uncomfortable because it is at odds
> with our logical thoughts. (example, wanting a Limited lens when you
> intellectually know the differences in image quality will be minor at
> best)
> Women have used their emotional acuity to manipulate men since time
> immemorial. This is not always done consciously or maliciously, but it
> can take these forms.  It is how women  make a place for themselves in
> the world. Playing on insecurities, manipulating attraction,
> encouraging dissent, etc.
> This is not to say that there are no women who can stand on physical
> merits or mental prowess, and this is not to imply that emotionalism
> constitutes arrested mental development. However, I have met many
> brilliant women who have experienced abusive relationships simply
> because they are conscious of the above facts and are susceptible to
> manipulation because of them. I have also met women who are incapable
> of making the simplest logical decisions but can spot every last
> nuance in a social setting.
> Militant feminists demand that both men and women be given the same
> social rights. This is hypocrisy at its most odious because the same
> social right would mean it's OK to hit women. It would mean that it's
> OK to deny women maternity leave.  Feminists believe in equal rights,
> whenever it's convenient.
> On the subject of wife beating, any man secure in his sense of self
> wants to be the dominant player in the relationship. The intelligent
> man will be able to outmaneuver the woman and get her in a mental
> state in which she couldn't IMAGINE going against his will, would do
> anything for her man (hence, dominance) despite the man being an
> emotional neophyte in comparison. The unintelligent man will dominate
> in any possible way, and this is usually violence.
> As an aside, I would like to state that I would never hit a woman,
> even one as heinous or as oblivious to common decency as you.
> Since you have brought us into the business of judging others with no
> real basis, I will partake. You have been ravaged by stupidity and
> years of superficial, meaningless thought. I can only hope you never
> succeeded in tricking a man into impregnating you, for the damage to
> his bloodline would be catastrophic. You offer precisely nothing, and
> it disgusts me that I've taken the time to respond to you.
> Which leads me to my next point.
> To the Gents on this list:
> I take it that the complete non-reaction to Eactivist's post means either
> a) This is normal behavior for her, and is to be ignored
> b) You agree with her accusations of my being an utter scumbag
> c) You've seen enough drama and bullshit, often involving Aperture
> Simulators to not care enough to respond.
> Which is it? If I have acted inappropriately, or inappropriately
> enough to warrant such a psychotic response, please tell me so. I
> haven't been on this list long but I respect your opinions.
> As for why I took offense, I fail to see how believing in the 1950s
> nuclear family unit makes me a barbaric, cross-burning, neo-nazi,
> country-invading sexual deviant.
> On 5/29/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > In a message dated 5/29/2007 6:54:31 A.M.  Pacific Daylight Time,
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> >
> > I see no reason to  respond to ignorant prejudice.
> >
> > If you substituted Black, Jew, Pole, Gay  or any other designation for women
> > in your sentences it would be very clear to  everyone how extremely 
> > prejudiced
> > you are. Should I respond that you probably  beat women in real life? Maybe
> > rape them? That much misogynism in a man is  always suspect.
> >
> > Feminists only argue about sexism with men when they  think minds can be
> > changed. With normal men who they are trying to get to see  another, wider
> > viewpoint. That has worked over the years because most men, when  they act 
> > sexist and
> > say sexist tings, are basically being sexist unconsciously  without thinking
> > things through. Because most men basically like women and when  it is 
> > pointed
> > out they are making assumptions that hurt women, they change or  will try to
> > change.
> >
> > You, sir, are way, way, way beyond that. Maybe I  should say a man so
> > threatened by women must have a tiny winy dick? Or can't get  it up? I 
> > could say lots
> > of nasty things in response, but why bother? Your head  is obviously up your
> > ass and anyone reading your comments about women can tell  that.
> >
> > I won't respond anymore. You are killfiled. Right now I am only  reading
> > quotes. I won't respond to quotes in the future either. I am just making  my
> > stance extremely clear to others on this list who may read your  shit.
> >
> > Prejudice this strong should have consequences, but also pointed  out for
> > what it is. Ignorant and blind and hurtful.
> >
> > Marnie aka Doe
> >
> > ---------------------------------------------
> > Warning: I am now  filtering my email, so you may be censored.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ************************************** See what's free at 
> >
> >
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