I think the standard line goes something like, " We want you to know
that there is no present plan to eliminate any jobs and/or to replace
any personnel. We need your expertise and are looking forward to
developing a solid working relationship with each one of you and are
asking for the same allegiance and dedication you've shown in the
After dismissing the assembly, I can imagine a quick round of the
question, "ya' think they bought it"?

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> In a message dated 6/1/2007 2:38:30 A.M. Pacific  Daylight Time, 
> Japanese businesspersons are  not the only ones to display a
> fiendishly acute 
> sense of obfustication when  asked to explain their actions in
> public.  I'm 
> suprised at  you.
> ==========
> I was saying there may be a cultural difference  between them and the
> US and 
> Europe (and Canada and Australia, etc.). But, right,  that's true.
> Others do 
> do it too. I'll be curious if we ever hear what the head  of Hoya
> tells the 
> Pentax employees in those places he is going to visit. It  might be a
> lot 
> straighter dope.
> Marnie aka Doe  
> ---------------------------------------------
> Warning: I am now  filtering my email, so you may be censored.  
> ************************************** See what's free at
> http://www.aol.com.
> -- 
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> PDML@pdml.net
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