In a message dated 6/3/2007 4:25:07 P.M. Pacific  Daylight Time, 
>> The bottom line though is,  whether working pro with an amortization plan, 
>> or
>> photo  hobbiest with no need for such a plan, if you have a lot of glass, 
>>  or
>> some very expensive pieces, at some point you reach a point with  your kit
>> where switching systems is pretty much an impossibility  based on cost for
>> everyone but the very well off, whether they be  pro or hobby 
>> photographer.
> I recall mentioning  similar concerns/reasoning in the past. Empathy
> for the long time Pentax  amateur seems to be a little thin here these
> days.

Amazing,  considering it is the legions of amateurs that make it possible for 
the pros  to buy equipment.

William Robb
Most of us here are  amateurs. There are very few on this list who make any 
money on their  photography. And there is an additional group who might make a 
few bucks on it a  year, but only sell a photography to five a year. They 
would still be classed as  amateurs by most, and probably even themselves.

Marnie aka Doe  :-)

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