"Idiot Proof" <==> "Expert Proof"

Cotty wrote:
> After reading the excellent reports published already, there's not much
> to add really. So here's a few random thoughts, in chronological order...
> I really don't like bad turbulence - on a flight. I think I'd rather
> have bad turbulence of the 'I've eaten too much' kind  any day.
> Fortunately everything went to plan and my trip was otherwise good. Nice
> to be back in the USA where nobody gives a shit ;-)
> I learned to drive when I was 15 in California at High School, so I'm
> not shy of left-hookers. However, piloting a 25 foot camper in the
> evening rush hour on the Beltway between the 66 and the 270 near DC was
> akin to having bamboo inserted up the fingernails. Luckily I got that
> hang of it and was soon cutting up all the mo-fos that had cut me up.
> The maxim 'give way to larger vehicle' does actually work.
> I drove to Germantown and met up with Christian. Great to see you again
> mate. We popped out for dinner to the Dogfish Brewery where loud waiters
> proclaimed their undying love for our occupancy of their table,
> repeatedly offered deals and sweeteners, swung by constantly in case
> there was anything we needed. "Hi. I'm Carl and I'll be guiding you on
> your journey..."  I'm British. I'm used to being ignored in restaurants.
> We had beer. Well, it was between 9 and 18 percent and was served in
> brandy glasses, but they said it was beer. I found a 3.5% called
> Lawnmower Light and struggled not to ask what was in it. At least I
> could chug it down to combat temps in the 80s F and high humidity.
> Cesar, Stehen Moore, and long-time ex-lister Tom Van Veen (tv) joined us
> and so we sat and laughed at Christian's haircut all evening. I had a
> good time, thanks guys.
> Christian and his wife Kerry were perfect hosts for my pre-GFM sojourn,
> and despite my protests gave up their bed for me. This was above and
> beyond the call, but I relented and slept like a baby: I kept waking up
> and was sick everywhere.
> Christian was amused when I poured sugar on my Weetabix the next
> morning. Dude - California in the 70s, I keep telling ya! Cesar joined
> us for coffee and we sat on Christian's back porch where birds of every
> kind flew in for a nibble, Christian's Darkside 500/4 at the ready. That
> guy has a good eye for the birds.
> Cesar thoughtfully brought some ballast for the RV: 12 bags of gear. Why
> strain with indecision when there's all that room, right mate? After
> saying ta ta to Christian, we hit the morning rush hour traffic on the
> Beltway again. I don't think my driving had that bad an effect on Cesar.
> He was very quiet for the first few minutes, until I realised I was
> supposed to keep *between* the dashed white lines.
> 9 hours and several stops later we reached GFM about 6.30pm and met up
> with the occupants of PDML West (Cory's camper). Thanks for all the help
> setting up things like shore-lines etc (these campers are so big they
> have to be moored). Non-lister Bruce Metcalf waltzed over from his RV
> and insisted I borrow some levelling chocks for the rental RV. This
> theme of helping out set the tone for the whole weekend and people would
> simply come up to you and give you things. Being a Brit, I would just go
> up to people and apologise.
> This was Thusday, and so folk were slowly making their way up to the
> mountain. Great to see old friends once again (Cory, Annsan, Nico,
> Graywolf, Tom Reese, Doug, Mark, Bob, Don, Scott, Charles, Bill and
> Phyllis - the list is endless), and some new ones (Scott, Dave Brooks,
> Dave Savage, Mat, Mark Cassino, Ken Waller, and more - the names swarm
> in my mind). Please forgive me if I have left you out, it must have been
> the Lawnmower Light.
> Weather was cool and rainy, with dry spots in between. (Perhaps I should
> go on 'Mastermind' - specialised subject: Stating the Bleeding Obvious).
> The scenery is simply breath-taking and nobody who goes there can fail
> to be overwhelmed by the beauty of the place. Think then of my
> anticipation as I awaited the arrival of a very dear friend who I knew
> at school back in CA in the 1970s. Brian Kavanagh lives near Cincinnati
> and upon hearing of my trip, had decided to drive down to meet me. He
> duly turned up in his bright blue VW bug (too long a trip really for his
> Triumph 900 monster although it would have only been 6 hours instead of
> 8...) and we hadn't met in 28 years. It was quite a moment, and we soon
> discovered that we basically were carrying on where we had left off all
> those years ago. To be doing this at GFM was simply the icing on the
> cake. Great to see you guy, and now we'll keep the interim down to
> years, not decades!
> Saturday saw us hiking up GFM, huffing and puffing in Mark's dust as he
> rocketed up the mountain with a respectable crowd in tow. Kudos to Cory
> for keeping up with the Mountain Goat On Crack. Cory later kissed the
> car park tarmac on his return. You laugh, but he likes a Frenchy I
> gather. Rick and Mat made MacRae before Brian, Scotty and me, and that
> was far enough. It's quite a climb, and the sight of Scotty taking a
> break between sweaty inclines with a cigarette in his gob was too much!
> It was a great way of getting to know people. We helped each other out -
> especially Brian's vertigo which gave me some great shots. Thanks guy ;-)
> Alas, there actually was a photo competition on, and I figured I might
> squeeze in the winner after the mountain hike. I went into the
> undergrowth later with my 5:1 macro lens and ringlight. The bloody thing
> acts like an air pump (variable extension tube type) and sadly I must
> have pulled in a ton of shit when I was trying to get a flower bud in
> the frame - up on the Mac, all I could see was dust! I had little time
> left, and it would have taken hours to sort it out so I bailed. In fact
> I just spent several hours spotting pics in PS for the gallery, so it's
> okay now, but there ya go. The hike was the highlight for me.
> Others have reported on the auditorium presentations, and just like to
> echo those that hailed Mark Cassino's show. Great pics, and very
> informative. Mark, you inspired Brian - he's going to seek out a decent
> camera/lens to do some close-up work on the wildflowers in his pasture
> at home. That's a nice touch.
> Brian and I cut a few of the talks, late Saturday night and Sunday
> morning, in favour of more civilised activities like wine and cheese in
> the RV, and bacon and eggs with coffee, respectively. The evening wasn't
> too late, as Don had made it plain that apparently some people strangely
> like to sleep. I kinda missed Mark yodelling.
> Brian had a long trip back, so left about 11am while everyone was
> picking up travelling tips from a guest speaker. He told me to say ta ta
> to all those present and convey what a great time he had. I think he was
> pleasantly surprised what a good bunch you guys were. Yeah, well you
> *can* be ;-)
> Sunday's presentations were great fun - you read about the 'Doug and
> Mark' show and it's justified. Those guys put in a lot of work, and it
> shows. What a hoot - thanks Mark and Doug. I said my good-byes and at
> the last, I was chatting to Helen Hopper for a while. She is the GFM
> official photographer, and boy was I hooked. She's lovely.
> Which about wraps it up - except to say a special thanks to Don Nelson
> for making me feel so welcome. I am astonished that he has strength to
> drive there, do all that, after a year of Hell on chemo. I have to take
> my hat off to the guy. Don, thank you from the heart of my bottom.
> And finally to Cesar. My travelling companion for this trip, I think I
> would have gone nuts without someone to talk to, well - let me re-phrase
> that: someone to listen to ;-) Cesar can talk for the USA. What a star -
> thanks mate. You made a good trip great. I owe you big time. Come over
> again and see us when you can.
> And so it's back to work and thinking maybe popping back again in a few
> years. GFM kinda does that to you. My son wants to come along, and that
> would be fine, as he's 13, and so am I :-)
> Sorry! Pictures!
> <http://homepage.mac.com/cottycam/PhotoAlbum6.html>

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