Little imagination? I thing Mr Gates has the same imagination as The Brain, 
"Tomorrow, I am taking over the universe". But even then he is not as strange 
as Mr "I take open source operating systems, clean them up a bit and sue anyone 
who copies it" Jobs.

"Idiot Proof" <==> "Expert Proof"

P. J. Alling wrote:
> It's actually worse than that.  It's as if J.D. Rockefeller managed to 
> get control of both the Energy and Transportation industries at the same 
> time.  His descendants would be king in all but name today, unless they 
> decided to abolish the federal government and take the titles for 
> themselves.  This is purely evil much the way all bureaucrats become 
> evil when small minds with little imagination gain too much power.
> graywolf wrote:
>> I only skimmed the article. Seems like we are seeing Billy Boys usual screw 
>> the consumer, woo big business attitude taken to extremes. He may have shot 
>> himself in the foot this time. But you and never underestimate the consumers 
>> lack of awareness...
>> I really need to go back to Linux or some form of Unix.

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