mike wilson wrote:
> Paul Sorenson wrote:
>> The unfortunate truth is 
>> that if you don't have a chain of command, you really don't have an 
>> effective military.  
> Tell that to <insert favourite "terrorist" organisation here>.

None of which are militarily effective. Politically Effective? Yep. But 
not militarily. The goal of a terrorist organization is to acheive 
political goals via intimidation and semi-random violence(as opposed to 
a military, whose goal is to achieve political goals via precisely 
directed & controlled violence). This they often do quite well (or quite 
poorly, as in the case of say, Fatah). None of them can stand on the 
field of battle and almost all such organizations avoid engaging a true 
military organization except when they can do so without risking 
themselves or if they have overwhelming local superiority. That's why 
the preferred tactic today is either the shoot & scoot mortar attack or 
preset roadside bombs. Neither is particularly risky against a Western 
military (who tend to be rather timid when the correct action is legal 
according to the laws of war but will be portrayed as an illegal war 
crime nonetheless, like say counterbattery fire against a mortar attack 
from a populated area)

The NVA was about the last militarily effective geurrilla army, and they 
certainly had a chain of command. As does the Taliban and FARC for that 


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