> graywolf wrote:
>> I just setup WordPress on my website. I really don't know why, 
>> I surely do not need another "project". Now I need to go and 
>> learn how to use it.
>> Anyway, I thought it would be nice to know who on the list has 
>> a blog setup, and where it is. I will even link you in mine. 
>> Reply here, or privately as you will.

I've been blogging for a while now at <http://dglenn.livejournal.com>
(which makes me look more active than I am, since the Quote-of-the-Day
entries are posted automagically).

I had been right on the verge of hacking together a bunch of
roll-my-own scripts to add blogging to my main (mostly static)
web site, when it finally registered just how many of my RL friends
were using LJ.  Seeing the comment handling system (yaay for
threaded comment presentation!) and the networking effects there 
was enough to make me decide that even if using it was "too easy" 
for a "serious nerd", it was still a good way for me to go.  LJ's 
feature set seems to facilitate community-forming, and I'm in the 
group of bloggers who finds that a useful trait.

(But I eventually came up with a new technical challenge anyhow:  
I've created mirrors (new posts only so far, archives to follow 
when I get a round tuit) on three other services using the same 
software (so as to not be beholden to one service provider), and 
am now working out tools to automate keeping the four copies in 
sync.  The mirrors, in case anyone finds them more convenient, are 
<http://dglenn.insanejournal.com>, <http://dglenn.greatestjournal.com>, 
and <http://www.blurty.com/users/dglenn>.  At present, most of 
the comments are on LJ.)

                                        -- Glenn

PS:  If anyone still picking software cares about my opinion, 
I really hate Haloscan comment boards.  

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