all it says now is "this page has been deleted" - congrats

Tom C wrote:
> I don't get it. I know several others here have had there photos 
> 'pinched' from the web and used by others as if they were the 
> photographer. What kind of person does that? Why would they even get 
> any pleasure when credited for something they did not do?
> I was browsing the nature section of the local newspaper and followed 
> a link to an area I was interested in. Low and behold, two of my 
> aurora photos were on a member's site.
> I've sent this e-mail to the hosting site and will leave the strongest 
> possible message on the member's site.
> -- 
> Hi there,
> I just browsed a member’s site by following a link from the Idaho 
> Statesman. I found two of my photo’s posted on this member’s site 
> (Sawtooth Sean) that are not only NOT PHOTOS OF THE LOCATION being 
> described, they are NOT HIS photos. They are mine and were taken from 
> my home in 2001.
> These are the links on the member’s site:
> They are on my website and have been since 2001 (even though member 
> claims they were taken in 1998).
> The one immediately above was published and credited to me on the 
> inside cover of Idaho magazine in late 2001/early 2002.
> I will leave a post on the member’s site and I expect these photos to 
> be removed immediately. Thank you. I would also question the 
> legitimacy and proper use of any other photos on this member’s site.
> Tom C.

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