"John Coyle" wrote:
> >Which is exactly why, a couple of years ago, we had a thread on the utility of
> >DOF and I said then I thought it a waste of time on 35mm cameras.  If you think
> >you can judge depth of field accurately when you're stopped way down, as one
> >usually is shooting macro, I believe, sir, you kid yourself!

Other uses of DOF:

1) Check vignetting with a filter, reversed lens, hood, or anything else
you screw onto
the front of your lens (depends on finder coverage, but if you can see
vignetting on, say,
a 92% coverage finder, vignetting is definately going to show up on your
film.  Use your
smallest aperature for this, and point the camera at something bright.  
Look at the corners.

2) Evaluate light fall-off (which I consider to be distinct from
vignetting) with
wide angle lenses.  Here again, stopping down often reduces light

3) Check flare.  Often stopping down will reduce flare.

4) Check "bokeh" as mentioned previously by others in this thread.  And
sometimes that
check will show a telephone pole growing right out of your subject's
head; one that you
can't see with that fast prime without stopping down.

5) It is quite useful, IMHO, as a depth of field check at about 1/3
lifesize and
higher when shooting closeups.

6) Prepare you mentally for some of those screwmount lenses you might be
buy that you have to use stop down metering for.  Grin.

John Shaw's books are my favorite for nature photography technique.  He
by both DOF and mirror lock, more so in his earlier books than his later
Apparently, John will even cover his head and camera when using DOF
and s-l-o-w-l-y stop down the lens, permitting his eyes to adjust.  I
don't go
that far, yet, but I do use a wide-brim hat, block light with a free
hand, and let
my eyes adjust - and DOF then becomes more useful.
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