I quite like the one of the Warbler in it's environment.

Nice one.



On 7/22/07, David Mann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Decided to get off my backside and try shooting some RAW (well, DNG
> actually).
> While on the way out the door with the macro lens I heard a grey
> warbler so I hurried back to get the FA 200mm instead.  I hear them
> all the time but it's very rarely I'll see one, much less photograph
> one.  This is the only vaguely usable pic I got.
> http://www.digistar.com/~dmann/k10d/warbler.html
> IMO it's a very lucky pic because those things never sit still.  I
> ended up in manual focus because the tree was driving the AF system
> nuts.
> And here's something I shot that actually had some reasonably good
> lighting...
> http://www.digistar.com/~dmann/k10d/tree.html
> The conversions are pretty much straight from DNG into Photoshop.
> The second image had no adjustment, while the first had a pretty
> severe crop and a bit of nudging in the curves...
> - Dave

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