> Did anyone of you ever have it mounted on your camera?
I bought mine new several years ago & have used it with both film & digital 

>What kind of images did you produce?
Mainly wildlife, but I've also taken scenic's with it.
It is a fabulous lens!

Its also very heavy & requires a sturdy tripod (I use a Gitzo 1548 CF). I 
use mine with a gimbal head (Kirk - King Cobra), which greatly aids in its 
use & negates the weight effect for composition. Can't imagine using a lens 
this big & heavy without a gimbal head. To use it in the field I utilize a 
backpack case (made by Kinesis) to haul it around.

I have a number of images taken with the 600, posted on the Pentax Gallery - 
you can access the site & query that lens to see some of the results.

Kenneth Waller

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "syb vis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Pentax-Discuss Mail List" <pdml@pdml.net>
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2007 4:31 PM
Subject: FA-SMCP 600/4 IF

> Browsing Ebay on my search for extremities, I found this thing.
> http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=190137806062&ssPageName=MERCOSI_VI_ROSI_PR4_PCN_BIX_Stores&refitem=280134626351&itemcount=4&refwidgetloc=closed_view_item&refwidgettype=osi_widget
> Did anyone of you ever have it mounted on your camera? What kind of
> images did you produce?
> Cheers.
> Syb

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