Thanks, John :-)  It is great to hear they are conservative with  
their condition ratings.  Everyone on the lis seems to agree.


On Sep 2, 2007, at 10:50 AM, John Sessoms wrote:

> From:
> Glen Tortorella
>> Hi Steve,
>> I just searched at KEH for the outfit you have mentioned.  The
>> "outfit" price is $394 in EX and $514 in EX+.  When they makes these
>> designations, they mean that both the camera and lens are in this
>> condition?  If so, this camera and lens stand to be in better shape
>> than yours, as your body was a BGN condition?...
>> Before I forget: does KEH include the "little" things in their
>> outfits--lens caps, manual, etc.--or is it purely body and lens?
> Both lens and body should be in the indicated condition. The "little"
> things will depend on what the ad says.
> Look at the 645 camera bodies and you'll see one listed as "requires
> insert", while the others list the insert that's included.
> Looking at the lens ads, if lens caps are included, the ad will say
> "Blah Blah Blah (77) WITH CAPS".
> Exceptions are New, New Demo and LN - they are either "as packaged by
> manufacturer" or "includes original box and instructions and any
> manufacturer provided accessories". The ad won't specifically say  
> it has
> got the lens caps and/or accessories.
> If you still have questions, just do what I do - call them up and ask.
> They'll take orders over the telephone, so if it is what you want, you
> can order it right then and there.
> One thing about KEH though ... I have ordered BGN items from them
> several times. Every time, when the item arrived, the condition to my
> eyes should have been EX by their standards. They seem to rate
> conditions very conservatively.
> -- 
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

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