> Jeeesh, Jerome - after reading your commentary I was prepped for botched
> up wedding pictures from hell... These shots are great! Excellent eye,
> excellent feel to them. A lot better than any wedding photos I've ever
> taken.

Aw shucks, now you're just being plain ol' silly... but thanks for the
compliment. I guess I know what I *want* the photos to look like, so I
know I've got some work to do.

> Did you try pre-focusing?  Like when they are walking down the aisle,
> just pre-focus to the 2nd or 3rd pew row back and shoot when they hit
> that point.

Nope, didn't try that. Will definitely keep it in mind though. The worst
part about manually focusing was that my view finder got fogged up a
couple of times (my own hot air I suppose), so I was stuck firing the
camera and just hoping for the best.

> Why not shoot RAW?

Stupidity :o) I was also a little worried about card capacity, but I
didn't even fill my two in-camera cards, and I had two more on standby
inside each grip. So next time I'll shoot RAW. Lesson learned.

> A 'real' wedding photographer would never use the words "bride" and "big
> white mass" in the same paragraph... :-)


> What ISO and F stop where you using?

ISO 800 @ about F4.5, which proved to be too shallow more often than not.
My shutter speed was usually around 1/40 or so.

> Like I said - great shots!

Thanks again.

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