We just returned from 'Woodstock, Canada, where our daughter Lori got
married. I took some candid photos of the rehearsal, some after the
wedding, and a few more at the reception. Four rolls of 24, all told.


I used the PZ1p with AF500FTZ on a Stroboframe. Lenses included the
power zoom 28-105,  A* 200/4 Macro, and Phoenix/Samyang 18-28/4-4.5
zoom. I used center weight metering in Hyper Program mode, flash at
minus 1.7, and shot everything at 1/60, letting the camera choose the
aperture. Film was Fuji Superia 800, rated at 640. There's a lot of
duplicate shots, and some bad exposures I included because that
particular photo may be of interest to certain family members.

This is not my attempt to branch off into wedding photography. I was
adamant that I wasn't going to be the "wedding photographer", because
I wanted to enjoy the ceremony, and I don't have any experience
shooting weddings. Besides, everyone knows the PZ1p goes blooie with
daddy's salty tears dripping down its innards. 

But when the "real" photog showed up at the rehearsal bearing a Rebel
and 35-70 zoom, and popped up its silly little flash, I thought there
was trouble in paradise. And I knew I intentionally didn't pack any
"wedding" film.

So I decided to at least take some candids using whatever film I had
handy. Fortunately, the wedding photographer felt guilty seeing my
PZ1p and Stroboframe, and went out and borrowed a decent flash, and
picked up the Elan 7 he had ordered earlier. I don't know how his pics
came out yet, but at least he knew something about posing, so maybe
they will be fine.

My hat is off to anyone who successfully shoots weddings. I about went
crazy trying to find an uncluttered background, or get enough DOF, or
get rid of some strange light or shadow, or worrying about the flash
settings, etc etc. At least my camera/flash performed admirably. Out
of 96 photos, about three came out seriously underexposed (shot with
the Samyang zoom and no flash), and three more seriously overexposed
(due to flash).

John Mustarde
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