I'd support local shops if they carried my preferred manufacturer's products
including the brand-specific accessories. I would rather see what I'm buying
in person. I would prefer the instant gratification of walking in and
exchanging money for what I want. Waiting for the delivery truck is

I was in the Biloxi area recently and drove to Mobile, AL because I needed a
piece of gear. That shop got my business because they had the item in-stock
and were able to set it aside for me. Imagine my surprise when I walked in
and there was still a space for non-Optio Pentax gear. As I waited my turn,
I perused the offerings. When the sales clerk appeared, I asked to see a
lens that was on display. She said that they didn't have it in a Pentax
mount. (It clearly was marked as such in the appropriate section. She
eventually found it and I got to test it.) Out in the open was a third-party
18-200mm which is nice for walking around (finally found with my diligent
help--LOL). Hidden away was the beauty of the bunch: SMC DA* 50-135mmm. It
begged to come home with me. How could I refuse? Needless to say, I walked
out of the establishment much poorer than I was upon arrival.

Here's the kicker: My purchases were placed in a large shopping bag
emblazoned with a picture of a huge Canon bearing the EOS logo. ARGH! Had
she heard nothing I said about a certain marketing behemoth? LOL


> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2007 14:47
> To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> Subject: Re: Sometimes it's hard to shoot Pentax
> > > "Well, I don't know anthing about it, I haven't read any of
> > > the reviews on it, and I don't make those decisions anyway
> > > the owner does. There's a lot of great gear out there that we
> > > don't carry." At that point he handed me the charge slip to
> > > sign and I took my yellow copy and left.
> >
> > One of the local dealers was telling me that no Pentax field sales
> > representative had been in to see them in several years. They're not
> > negative on the brand, they simply don't know what's going on or why
> > they haven't been contacted in so long.
> I would find that hard to believe.  I knew Pentax's rep for Northern
> California
> (his territory was bigger than that and included other states, but I'm not
> sure
> exactly how big), and he was in at least every other month, sometimes more
> often if there was new stuff to show.
> I think (without having time to read more posts in this thread) that the
> reason
> Pentax is not better shown in shops is primarily because of marketing.
> I'm not
> just talking about advertisements, though.  Canon and Nikon
> (KonicaMinolta,
> too, before they chickened out) both offer a lot of marketing materials,
> ad co-
> ops, and other benefits to dealers.  Pentax never seemed to have much of
> that
> compared to the other guys.  In this down market, if a camera dealer can
> get
> help from a company, he'll do whatever it takes to get it.  I know this
> was the
> case at my previous employer, as well as at others.
> Plus, I think we all know Canon, Nikon, and Sony are the juggernauts here.
> Pentax is more like Leica, and since both sell a lot less than the other
> brands, relative profit is much lower.  Dealers have to sell what makes
> them
> money on a consistant basis, and thus the smaller guys mostly get left
> out.
> It's all about profit, people.  Camera shops are having tough times, so
> they do
> what it takes to make a profit.  It's unfortunate for us Pentax users, but
> what
> can we do?
> Besides trying to buy from local shops, not a whole lot.
> John Celio
> --
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> PDML@pdml.net
> http://pdml.net/mailman/listinfo/pdml_pdml.net

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