Many "services" that are offered by "escort" services and "Turkish" 
baths are off the books "extras". However I bet anything paid for with a 
credit card is taxed.

Corey Leopold wrote:
> On 9/13/07, John Sessoms <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> From:
>> graywolf
>>> Interestingly enough I do not believe any state here in the US taxes
>>> service, only goods. That was one of the reasons that after my first
>>> attempt as a commercial photographer I changed my rate structure to a
>>> pure service one of time + a service charge for obtaining materials
>>> which I bought retail. The time not wasted dealing with the
>>> Bureaucracy was substantial. Any way you can avoid dealing with them
>>> without getting in trouble is a good way, and usually a profitable way.
>> It gets proposed from time to time in the various state legislatures.
>> Won't pass until they can figure a way to write the law so it applies to
>> every service except lawyers.
> In Texas most services are taxable...
> Interestingly enough, my Wedding Planner got hit up for back sales
> taxes on her business, she had no idea until the state went after her
> for the taxes.
> Apparently whoever wrote that page felt the need to explicitly call
> out "Turkish baths" and "escort services" as taxable services....  I
> wonder how many "escorts" collect sales taxes.....
> Corey

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