At 06:46 17-11-2001 -0500, you wrote:
>From: "William Robb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Rattlesnake Shake, Rattlesnake Yum
>- ----- Original Message -----
>From: "Mike Johnston" <
>Subject: Rattlesnake Shake, Rattlesnake Yum
> >
> > > It feels slippery and about gives me a
> > > heart attack when I see the snake in the bag.
> >
> >
> > P.S. I actually ate rattlesnake once. At camp in Montana when
>I was 13.
> > Killed it with a double-bladed axe in the John Marshall
>Wilderness, and
> > skinned it and sliced it to pieces and fried the cutlets in a
>pan. Even
> > AFTER it was cooked, the cutlets were still twitching.
>Good job!!! If it has stopped twitching, it's overcooked.
>My favourite rattlesnake recipe:
>Take the meat from a FRESH (not frozen) rattler and lay it out
>on a piece of aluminium foil.
>Add salt and cayenne pepper to taste and work into the meat (it
>twitches pretty good while your doing this, let me tell you).
>Lightly butter the meat and sprinkle on fresh savoury, dill and
>a bit of oregano. Dice an onion and toss some of that on too.
>Wrap the meat in the foil, at least 2 layers and cook above a
>hot coal bed, generally for about 20 to 30 minutes, turning
>every five minutes or so.
>I had a rattler chili once that was to die for.
>William Robb

This has got to be the grossest thread yet!
Twitching meat?
Eeuurgh, put me right off my breakfast

(back to foraging for nuts & berries)

Wendy & Paul Beard
Ottawa, Canada
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