Reminds me of my kids when one of them refuses to get their picture
taken.  You can take it, but they will do their best to make it a bad

This, along with your story, makes it rather amusing for me.


Monday, January 14, 2008, 4:20:21 PM, you wrote:

C> I was in Oxford (UK) recently waiting outside a shop, when this girl
C> came up and asked me for a pound for a cup of tea. I dug into my pocket
C> and found some change. I said she could have the money if I could take
C> her picture. She thought for a moment and said, "Okay. But I won't
C> smile." I told her that would not be a problem. I snapped one shot, gave
C> her the quid, and she was gone. The whole encounter took place in less
C> than thirty seconds.

C> <>

C> Epson R-D1 + Voigtlander 28mm Ultron 1.9
C> ISO 800, 1/40th sec about f5.6

C> I think I could have done better, maybe not.

C> -- 

C> Cheers,
C>   Cotty

C> ___/\__
C> ||   (O)   |     People, Places, Pastiche
C> ||=====|
C> _____________________________

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