Thank you for this answer, Gianfranco,
but why is it then still possible to set a seemingly right combination of
shutter speed (let's say 10 s) and aperture (maybe 5.6) at the "zero point"
"thermometer scale" in the viewfinder? That seems contradictory to me.
01-11-25 15.04, Gianfranco Irlanda at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi Peter,
> Welcome to the list!
> When the indications in the finder twink it means that you are
> reading an amount of light outside the possibilities of the Z-1p
> meter.
> I'm sure no camera can measure light in a way it can take the
> Schwarzshild effect into account, BTW. The LX can expose for
> several minutes, so that the effect should induce strange
> behaviour in certain films, but I've had no experience of that.
> Gianfranco
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Peter Smekal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Sunday, November 25, 2001 12:23 PM
> Subject: Schwarschild?
>> Hi, this is the first time for me in this discussion group. I
> start with a
>> question.
>> I recently bought what seemed to be the last Z1-p available in
> Sweden. It is
>> often described as an outdated model with an outdated
> auto-focus, but so far
>> I think it works great. I really like this camera.
>> However, when using the hyper-manual mode in certain "darker"
> situations -
>> inside churches for instance - both shutter and aperture
> numbers in the
>> viewer and the LCD field are twinkling. At the same time it is
> still
>> possible to find a suitable combination of aperture and
> shutter speed with
>> the help of the measurement scale in the viewer. So what does
> the double
>> twinkling indicate? Is the camera working correctly?
>> I have received different answers. One of the Pentax-people in
> town told me
>> that the twinkling of both figures is just a warning to use a
> tripod or a
>> flashlight, another one told me that is means that you are
> outside the
>> measurement area of the camera. Somebody explained that it had
> something to
>> do with a "Schwarzschild-effect" and that the exposure
> measurement is
>> outside the "linear are". What is true of all this?
>> T i a
>> Peter
>> -
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