Ignorance concerning taxes is appalling. Harboring the idea that
corporations actually pay any taxes levied upon them shows lack of critical
thinking about the subject. All corporations require net net profit (profit
after taxes on net profit) in order to survive, design and build new
products, modernize facilities, replace capital equipment (the costs of
which are never fully covered by depreciation), pay for cost of money, pay
rising costs associated with labor, etc. Taxes are an expense, like all
other expenses of business, that _must_ be passed on to customers through
higher prices. Unlike the US income tax, this passed on tax is not
progressive. The poor pay the same corporate tax (in dollars) on a can of
beans that the rich do. When you buy a product, any product, (can of beans?)
you may think that the only tax you pay is the sales tax. Wrong! You pay a
portion of the corporate taxes of the company that produced it; the company
that advertised it, the various companies that supplied the materials that
produced it, the company that shipped it to the store where you bought it,
the company that produced the gasoline that you used driving to the store.
All wealth comes from production. Who does the producing? You do. The
workers in the company do. Taxes are an exaction from the production of
individuals. The government has simply instituted a way of exacting taxes
from you, from your production, without your daily conscious awareness of

Corporations raise capital to build and expand business by selling stock.
This stock is bought and sold based on investors expectations on the ability
of the company to grow. This growth provides the primary source of funds for
various forms or retirement for individuals, whether through individual
accounts or through corporate pensions or through savings.

No, I'm not a rich man or corporate executive. I'm just a common working man
like many of you. I'm just aware of who really pays what and who really is
hurt by what taxes.

"Let us contemplate our forefathers, and posterity,
and resolve to maintain the rights bequeathed to us
from the former, for the sake of the latter.
The necessity of the times, more than ever, calls
for our utmost circumspection, deliberation, fortitude,
and perseverance. Let us remember that 'if we
suffer tamely a lawless attack upon our liberty,
we encourage it, and involve others in our doom.'
It is a very serious consideration that millions yet
unborn may be the miserable sharers of the event."
- Samuel Adams, 1771

> Frantisek Vlcek wrote:
> > Awful! Look at a better model: in Vietnam, AFAIK, taxes are not
> > extracted from individuals but from corporations. To NOT tax
> > corporations is just awful. The simple most externality producing
> > entity, a big corporation, doesn't pay for the externalities it
> > produces. That's immoral.
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