On Mon, Sep 1, 2008 at 8:11 PM, John Sessoms <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: Mark Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> John Sessoms wrote:
>>> > According to one blurb I've seen, it's HSM, meaning High Speed Motor?.
>>> >
>>> > If I understand it correctly, you need a K20D to take advantage of that,
>>> > but it will work with the K10D. And it's DG, so it should also work with
>>> > the PZ-1P.
>>> >
>>> > Or am I mistaken?
>> Mistaken, I'm afraid: It's only available in screw-drive AF for Pentax.
>> Of course, that means it'll work with all AF Pentax cameras.
> Ok, but where I'm looking, they are advertising it as having the Hyper
> Sonic Motor in a Pentax mount. Could be wrong or could be something new.
> Either way, the bottom line is it would work with both the K10D & PZ-1p
> I have now, and with a K-20D once I can afford one ??

Sigma's marketing material indicates a HSM motor, with a small print
caveat that it isn't available in Pentax or Sony mounts.

M. Adam Maas
Explorations of the City Around Us.

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