
I saw in today's newspaper an ad from a camera dealer selling optio 300's,
they were pushing its small size, and they had a picture of a ant climbing
up a tree with the camera in its mandibles!  Kind of cute.  The caption
reads "Photo is a modest exaggeration."  Anyone else seen anything similar
to this?  I think at least one camera store owner would agree with me in
that Pentax noticed how well Elphs sold over the past few years and decided
to get that market.  

The camera store, btw, is Dodd camera, local to the Cleveland area I

They also show that crocidile hunter guy with crocs snapping at his heals
which is somehow suppose to make us want to bring a pentax with us on our
adventures?  Not sure hwo effective that is.

Say, here is a potential dumb thread, how would you advertise your favorite
pentax camera?  It has got to be better than the croc hunter ad.  Maybe we
could award a prize for creativity.  I have a few items floating around.... 


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