Hi list!

It's me again with my newest little toy :D a Pentacon Six Tilt-rotator adapter. It was like 120 bucks but I am really happy to have it. I have some PSix lenses (CZJ 50/f4, 80/f2.8, 180/f2.8, 300/f4) and so far I only did a 'field-test' with the 80mm Biometar.

Here are some shots made during my first photowalking day with the Tilted Carl Zeiss Jena Biometar 80mm f2.8 lens on the Pentax K20D. All shots are only resized and framed. No photoshopping on any of the pictures.

(here in Hungary the Indian Summer is called "Old Ladies' Summer", which is the title :D)

This one really has the plotting board feeling.

I like the DOF on this picture. Only the 2 buildings I wanted are in focus, the rest is OOF. Check the frontal OOF lights having so interesting shape (instead of circle like as the back OOF ones).
The Tilt adapter was rotated like 60 degrees CCW.

This one was made handheld with shutter speed as low as 1/4. No blur at 80mm. So my big kudos goes to the Pentax Engineer team for this awesome image stabilizing system!

More on my flickr photostream :D

Comments and critiques are welcome (here or under the flickr page :D)

.timber (the gadget freak pentaxian :D)

Ps.: Since I have macro extension tube for Pentacon Six system the next thing I will try is doing macro with tilt lenses... while in normal photography the tilt system is used to reduce DOF in macro it can be used to increse DOF. Excited to try it out... :D

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