Congratulations. All the bestto your sone and daughter-in-law (and the new arrival, of course).
Steven Desjardins Department of Chemistry Washington and Lee University Lexington, VA 24450 (540) 458-8873 FAX: (540) 458-8878 [EMAIL PROTECTED] >>> "Bill Owens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 11/27/2008 8:40 PM >>> My son and his wife are the proud parents of a baby girl. Coincidetally, it is our daughter's birthday (35) and one day short of what would have been my mother's 90th. Bill -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions. !SIG:492f4c17264831390026111! -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.