In a message dated 1/11/2009 3:53:30 P.M.  Pacific Standard Time, writes:
Just got home after a week  in NC. Stayed at our friends' cabin, 
"roughing it" by Cotty's definition:  Only dial-up Internet :)

Here's a quick-n-dirty gallery of snaps I took  during a walk around the 
cabin on Wednesday while it was  snowing.

Very  nice! I especially like Grass and Landscape. Landscape would make a 
good  print.

Some of the others, some of the woods, I feel are sort of over  rendered, 
even if on the whole, I liked them (but sometimes I found it  distracting). 
can be clearer.

If you need suggestions for the BESO,  I nominate Landscape.

Marnie aka Doe   (Road and Snow Dump are  good too.)

Warning: I am  now filtering my email, so you may be censored.  

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