On Feb 3, 2009, at 11:53 PM, Larry Colen wrote:

On Tue, Feb 03, 2009 at 11:33:40PM -0500, Paul Stenquist wrote:
# I agree. But there are situations where jpeg is called for. For
# example, where the money doesn't justify shooting RAW, and you have to
# produce a lot of work. My VR client doesn't want photographers
# shooting RAW. The images are used low-res, time is critical, and money

My inclination would be to batch process the raws. But for VR house
sales, it's not really critical, unless you could make some more money
by selling shots to house owners for their own catalog.

Batch processing RAWs is still more time consuming than dragging and dropping the jpegs to an FTP site. And the RAWs would have to be reduced in size and compressed anyway.

# is tight. But for my own work, for weddings and for all other
# commercial clients, I shoot RAW exclusively. It is like having a
# negative to work with. Even better. For my first 20,000 digital
# frames, I never shot a jpeg. But when the job calls for jpegs, I'll
# shoot jpegs. I've been surprised at the quality that's possible when
# color temp is set manually and exposures are exact.

I don't doubt that. I just figure that a desktop computer should be
able to do a better job of converting raw to jpeg, even in a batch,
than the little processor in a camera.

# I most minded solitary time in the darkroom when I had to produce
# fifty prints for a magazine article that had to ship Monday morning.
# If I was playing with my own stuff, I enjoyed it. But I prefer the
# computer to the chemicals for any type of work.

Fortunately, I never did photography to make a living. I don't want
to do it for anything but my own enjoyment.

I don't know what I want to do. These days, in this town, I do what I have to do.

# Paul
# PS: I have some very nice enlarger lenses that I'd be happy to sell to
# a list film lover.

Coincidentally, I could make someone a very nice deal on an enlarger.
And tanks.
And trays.

I use my old smiths timer almost every day for cooking though.

       It's not the steps in the dance, it's the dance in the steps.
Larry Colen             l...@red4est.com            http://www.red4est.com/lrc

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