Perspective is OK - on Friday I saw a Yashica A on shop window - priced at the 
equivalent of 150 USD - crazy. My first camera was a Yashica A and it did cost about 
15 USD then - and this is it´s current value, too IMHO.
All the best!
Personal photography homepage at

-----Alkuperäinen viesti-----
Lähettäjä: frank theriault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Päivä: 23. joulukuuta 2001 18:24
Aihe: Re: OT: An Xmas discussion about hobbies and putting them in perspective.

>Hi, Malcolm,
>You call that an OT post?  Geez, you mentioned (not one, but) two Pentax models,
>and your post was at least peripherally about photography!  No mention of guns,
>gun control, SUV's, Australia, Fosters beer, etc, etc.  ;-)
>But yeah, I get that too:  why do you need another camera?  I patiently explain
>to whomever that the most I've paid for any of the current cameras I now have
>(all are used) is a bit less than $100 Canadian for my Yashica Mat.  For most, I
>paid far less - like under $30.
>But even if I did have a brand new LX, 6x7, or whatever, what of it?  It quite
>pales in comparison to, for instance, your example of vintage cars, boats,
>cottages or houses that one actually owns (as opposed to the little apartment
>that I rent).
>"Actually", I try patiently explaining to these silly people, "I don't NEED
>another camera/lens/whatever, I choose to spend a very small portion of my
>discretionary income on them."  I also become frustrated trying to point out
>that, "no, I'm not a collector, because firstly, all of my cameras are users,
>and do in fact get used with some regularity, and secondly, none of these
>cameras is in anyway rare, expensive or collectible".
>Ah, well, no use trying to explain anything to these people, though.  I prefer
>to simply enjoy my hobby, and take enough piccies that eventually, one turns out
>Malcolm Smith wrote:
>> This is an off topic post so feel free to delete now.
>> I am fortunate that I have known/know some real characters in life, one of
>> which I met today whilst doing the Christmas shopping. I hadn't seen him for
>> a while, and chat made its way around to what was acquired for Xmas, and I
>> mentioned my new LX.
>> Well, he got on his soapbox (in a most amusing manner) ridiculing my need
>> for another camera, stating that perhaps I was taking photography to
>> extremes.
>> I shook his hand, wished his family a happy Christmas, winked at his wife
>> (NO, not an LX or MX wink) and shook my head at her.
>> My friend collects vintage commercial vehicles!!
>> No more off topic posts for a while, but I hope you enjoyed the double
>> standards of the above. Plus remember, you may have your other half not keen
>> on photography, but at least you can say it could be way......... worse.
>> Malcolm
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