Funny thing, I feel they should be pushing the the 6MP full frame out the
door for people who need and can afford a camera like that. There are many
who do, mostly full time pros to whom it is just another minor business
expense. And, while they are doing that they should be working fevorishly to
get a D-30 class sibling on the market. But, I have this silly idea that
having the best there is on the market will drive up sales of lower end

But then, Pentax's idea of a lost leader is to leave the 1000 mark off the
shutter speed dial, or mark a f1.7 lens as and f2.0 and to sell them much
cheaper than thay do the regular models, so I would guess they are going to
take the $7K MZ-D 6MPFF, and software criple it to to 3MPHF and sell it for


----- Original Message -----
To: Pentax List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2001 12:27 PM
Subject: Re: Jumping ship (Was Digital SLR )

> Christian,
> You'll be the first to know if I decide to sell any of my kit!
> Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't 'sell my soul' and I certainly won't be
> expecting to pay a gazillion dollars. I am ready to pre-order if the MX-D
> comes in at D30 money. Maybe a bit beyond, Fuji S1 territory. Beyond
> that, I'm more cautious.
> This is assuming that it's a full-frame image sensor. What if it's 2/3rds
> size? And for more money? Depends on the spec, really. Like someone said,
> it's the cost in switching glass, and of possibly lowering standards in
> that glass...
> I think that in wanting to go fully digital one has to make assumptions
> and choices - not always based on practicalities! I mean, if I wanted a
> cost-effective method of 'going digital' then why don't I just buy an
> all-in-one high-spec digi camera like the Olympus E-XX etc? It would work
> fine as a standalone unit, and I could still shoot film on Pentax.
> My trouble is that I'm too used to 35mm film SLR form-factor. I like the
> shape of the bodies, with grips, and nice big lenses to hold - it all
> works exceedingly well, and I don't want to change that. Having access to
> a large range of glass is essential, in my opinion. Having things at the
> size I've become accustomed to is very important. I find these tiny digi
> cams so small that my big fingers just get all muddled up on them. Forget
> gloves! I like these things with great big knobs and levers on them in
> arranged in a fool-proof manner (ha!), and most 'professional' (ahem)
> gear accommodates this desire. I had an RB67 once upon a time ;-)
> Cost is always important. Anyone self-employed sees the cost of a thing
> as tax-deductable, and how long it takes to pay for itself. I'm not, so
> can't, and it won't. So from my point of view, an MZ-D would be a
> 'luxury' item - totally unnecessary! But then again, that's half my
> belongings...
> At the moment in my house there are (mental tally....) seven Macintosh
> computers, several in various states of disrepair, three in current use,
> one less than a year old. I don't *need* all those...they just somehow
> got 'acquired' through individual circumstance and...well, desire. (To be
> fair, all except three are being built up to be sold.)
> I used to build and race a 4X4 and until you've messed about with cars
> like that - the cost of a MZ-D pales into insignificance! My S.O.
> breathed a heavy sigh of relief when that eventually went (after nearly a
> decade!) and getting back into stills photography was most welcomed by
> her.
> So, it would be with a heavy heart that I would lose some Pentax gear,
> but I'm firmly decided in shooting digitally within a year. I also firmly
> hope that the MZ-D makes an appearance before then. It really would be
> the icing on the cake. They surely must be ready to rock with such a
> model? I can't believe they're not. They caught themselves just in time
> before releasing that 6MP full-frame beauty that would have been too
> expensive for people like me. Instead, they're hard onto pushing out a
> Pentax D30 *just* for people like me! Go baby go!
> I dream in digital, yessir.
> Cotty
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