Henry Knowles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> say i set the film speed to iso 400, find a suitably gloomy subject 
> such that 1/4s is the correct exposure as given by the internal 
> lightmeter.  if i now stop the aperture down 1 f-stop, then 
> theoretically the meter should tell me that 1/2s is the correct shutter
> speed.  however, when i turn the shutter speed dial to 1/2s, the 
> lightmeter led jumps to the -2ev led, and won't budge from there until 
> i increase the shutter speed.
> the manual indicates that the lightmeter-shutter coupling only extends 
> to 1/4s for iso 400 film, is that why this happens, or is there 
> something wrong?

Being an electronics engineer, I'm sure all you need to know here is
that there's a pot sitting inside the combined shutter speed and film
speed setting dial, that is adjusted when you change either setting,
so that at which shutter speeds the slider slips off the ends of the
resistor material depends on the film speed.

Now study the table in the manual again; this time, it'll make sense.

Puritanism -- the haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.
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