Boris wrote:

"I've posted two full PEFs on my web site. The time difference between
them is like 5 mins. The light was coming from the window and the sun
was fairly up in the sky for 7:10am or thereabouts.

"Initially, the little brain locked itself at something like uncorrected
tungsten lighting. Then I played with WB settings some and returned all
back to where it was. It took 3-4 mins. Then it started giving me these
subtle yet annoying purple/magenta skin tones."


With every Pentax electronic camera I have owned, I have found that the electronics get confused after a little manipulation and cannot find their way back to the original readings. Changing the settings seems to be a one-way street, as far as automation goes. Usually hitting the green button makes everything work again. Does the green button reset the white balance in the K-7?


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