Godfrey DiGiorgi wrote:
On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 11:25 AM, Ken Waller <kwal...@peoplepc.com> wrote:
As a mechanical engineer, I've always appreciated the technical aspects of
motorcycles, but have absolutely no desire to ride one, at least on public
roads, where a motorcycle, unfortunately, becomes a target for some.

In all my years and miles of motorcycle riding, I've never once seen
anything that indicated another person or driver considered me a
target or intended to do harm to me or any other motorcyclist.

What I have seen is that many many many automobile operators are
simply very poor at seeing and understanding the operating needs of a
motorcycle, most likely because they are completely unfamiliar with
the vehicle dynamics and operating characteristics due to lack of
training and awareness. For that reason, operating a motorcycle safely
in traffic situations takes a good deal more skill and awareness than
the operation of the other vehicles on the road with you: you have to
watch out for not only your own operating needs but doubly for what
other operators do not understand about your needs for space on the
road and time to act.

yes, it has long been a belief of mine that getting a driver's license should include a mandatory period of time operating a motorcycle on the street. Forced awareness, as it were.

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