Didn't you use to write for Harper's Weekly? No, wait, that was Thorne


----- Original Message -----
From: Mike Johnston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2002 1:47 AM
Subject: Duchess? Where'd she come from?

> > Harumm. My tripod follies test of a couple of years ago clearly
> > demonstrated the benefits of MLU in the 1/4 to 1/30 second range
> > with a medium telephoto (400mm). The Nikon may have a smooth
> > reflex mirror, the Super Program dances like a jitterbug.
> 400mm?
> As in "four hundred"?
> Hmm. To me, a 105mm is a medium telephoto. An ultra-long telephoto is a
> 180mm.
> I had a 180mm once, but I couldn't get far enough away from anything to
> a picture with it. Even the moon is too close...
> My usual telephoto is an 85mm. I'm less fanatical than my friend Oren,
> though. His telephoto lens is a 50mm.
> I'm afraid I get a little strident when I talk about tripods and mirror
> lock-up and the like. I get a little hard to take. I confess it. I'm
> on moderating my bigotry, I really am--I do realize that there are people
> who do very good and interesting work with 35mm cameras on tripods, using
> MLU, etc. It's work I could not do myself. I'm afraid though I'm of the
> "life on the fly" / handheld / natural light / wide angle / quick and
> / screw it and shoot / black-and-white school.
> You know how sometimes we have a tendency to dismiss what we personally do
> not care about (or perhaps, that we do not understand very well)? It's the
> basis of all bigotry, of course.
> Well, despite years of trying to be catholic (small "c") in my tastes in
> photography...that is, to respect ALL sorts of different approaches and
> interests...this very thing is antithetical, I believe, to whatever
> motivates us to love art. We love and value what speaks to us, what has
> meaning for us. And the corollary...we do tend to dismiss contrary aims
> efforts, however laudable and harmless they might be. It's something to be
> on guard against....
> So, try though I might to moderate my bigoted tendencies, I do tend to
> a knee-jerk reaction to, well, say, oh, I don't know, let's just pick an
> example out of a hat, CAT pictures. Puuuurdy flowers. Calendar / postcard
> Hallmark Card type shots. Generic pretty colors. Fastidious namby-pamby
> pinko twee tripod crap with every last little line per millimeter showing,
> fine-grain films with no meat or muscle, handbuilt Jerry cameras that cost
> their weight in gold, this or that twinkie magic-potion developer and
> froo-froo photo paper and just the right pinch of pyro in the archival
> toner...oooooh, lock up the mirror, you might get a bit of mirror
> Nigel, dear, and then what would the freakin' DUCHESS think? The Duchess
> don't like blurry pichers! An' don't fer heaven's sake get a scratch on
> commemorative, you'll knock a thousand off its collector value in the
> freakin' ORIENT, and THAT wouldn't DO, now would it, ya girdle-wearing,
> wine-sippin' sissified tripod-babied mirror-lockin'-up GIT....
> Errrrr....
>                                                     >*cough*<
>                                  >*cough*<
> *Ahem*.
> Excuse me.
> Got a bit carried away.
> I'll just make an effort to compose myself here, if you wouldn't mind
> looking the other way just for a second
>                                  [running fingers through hair]
>           [straightening tie]
>                                             [wiping foam off mouth]
> So, anyway, as I was saying, I am making a concerted effort to moderate my
> natural tastes and predilictions, and conceive a deep and abiding respect
> for those who do not use photography as I do, and who have need of other
> techniques than mine, and hence, other features, say, on their cameras....
> (Okay, okay. I'll keep working on it.)
> <g>
> --Mike
> -
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