I doubt it. They just tested it with a card that had a shot on it labeled with a number around 9800+ They probably shot 50-100 shots to test the camera so you got 9900.

To set it back use this procedure.

1.)  Put an take a shot. on a clean sd card.

2.) On you PC/MAC/whatever flavor of LINIX/UNIX mount the card and renumber it to xxxx9999.xxx

3.) Put that card back into the camera take a two shots.

Now all the photos you take will be in the \DCIM\200PENTX directory, but the new number will be xxxx0001.xxx

4.) Take the card back to the computer and get rid of that directory and make sure there's a file in the 100PENTX directory numbered xxxx53xx.xxx. Basically one number before the frame you want the counter to start at. (and yes I ended that sentence badly).

5.) Put the card back into the camera an make an exposure.

At this point your frame counter will be back to where you want it. The internal counter shutter counter won't agree, but it doesn't agree now most likely.

On 1/6/2010 4:26 PM, Jack Davis wrote:
I mentioned having received my K20 and 16~45 back from Pentax repair a couple 
days ago.
I noticed the K20 shot counter now indicates 9900 frames and upon checking some 
images found that it showed 'prox 5300 at the time it was sent in.

K20D repair record; Replaced body bayonet mount.
                     Repaired autofocus drive unit.
                     Adjusted to manufacturers specifications.
                     General check and clean.

16~45 repair record: Replaced lens bayonet mount.
                      Replaced main barrel.
                      Repaired focus mechanism.
                      Adjusted to manufacturers specifications.
                      General check and clean.

I checked the K20 serial number when returned.
Pentax repair says they have no way of turning the counter back, but will check 
into it a advise. I asked for a phone call when they have an answer.
Could an internal component have been installed from a "used" body. This is 
what I told them concerned me. Don't even know if that's possible.
I'll post their answer.

Any thoughts?


{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier 
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
interface subtly weird.\par

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