No, I am not. Are you? So let´s just agree - to disagree! But how many cars per 
millimetre did you get? Or was it pairs of cars?
All the best!
Personal photography homepage at

-----Alkuperäinen viesti-----
Lähettäjä: Bob Blakely <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Päivä: 18. tammikuuta 2002 0:36
Aihe: Re: And did I mention wrong

>Are you some reincarnated version of "The Who" - and I'm not talking about
>the band?
>From: "Raimo Korhonen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> You still do not seem to get my point. I did not express myself clearly
>enough, sorry.
>> "Automobile edges" - show me one automobile with really sharp edges.
>1.    Point your face toward any automobile.
>2.    Note that there are photons comming at your (I'm beginning to think
>blind) eyeball.
>3.    Some photons are comming from the background.
>4.    Some photons are comming from the car.
>5.    There photons from the car and the photons from the background form a
>sharp line on your retina. Or they would if your eye's lens was perfect.
>6.    The same thing hapens in a camera.
>7.    In other words, there is a sharp demarcation between car and not car.
>If you do not understand this, there is no hope for you.
>> "For measurement we create lines" - these are not infinitely thin
>No one said anything about the lines being infinitely thin.
>> but have edges and the edges are not absolutely sharp.
>Yes, but they don't have to be. They just have to be significantly sharper
>than the resolving power of the lens.
>> Then you say that MTF "is just a single point solution to the modulation
>transfer function where contrast = 0".
>> Indeed!
>> That was my original point: you cannot separate resolution and contrast.
>Since no one has tried to separate resolution and contrast, what the hell's
>your point?
>> And in a real world you cannot separate your edges and lines with a
>contrast much higher than 0.
>We have equipment that performs these separations all the time with
>contrasts very close to 0.
>> , the article you mention gives the limit at 20% - like in a photographic
>negative, print or slide.
>That is for the equipment and materials you can buy.
>> And the higher the contrast the more lines you can discern - visually or
>with any kind of equipment.
>Bullpucky. There are other limits besides contrast. Let's see, oh yeah,
>anything that creates dispursion like the diffraction limit, or poor glass,
>or poor element alignment or bad focus. Increase the contrast all you want,
>they'll not give you any better resolution than the limits they impose.
>> And if we talk about "some silly notion about fuzzy molecules on the
>surface of the object" that´s what your lines - e.g. on a test target - are
>if we are talking about 200 lpm.
>Are you a sophmore at some high school?
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