I think that article was quite confusing.
The nominal sync time of a camera refers to the speed of the shutter
lamellae, doesn't it? The quicker the movement, the shorter the
interval can be for a fully opened shutter. The article describes the
_practical_ sync time which should also depend on how well the camera
synchronise the shutter and the flash blink. Many of the commenters
point out that it works at 1/200 when the flash is mounted in the
hotshoe, but not when off-camera. So to me it seems that Canon has a
sloppy implementation of sync speed rather than an unreliable shutter.
Maybe it's the flash that's sluggish rather than the camera?

Anyway, I'm quite happy with the way flash is controlled in K-7. The
hi-speed sync works fine with both the AF-540-FGZ and Metz AF-58 when
1/180 is not enough. If I absolutely had to pop a flash at high
shutter speeds as if working with conventional sync speed, I guess I'd
go manual and be done with it. I don't see the need for the article's
hype, really. Maybe I've missed something. :-)


2010/2/3 P. J. Alling <webstertwenty...@gmail.com>:
> There was a certian amount of Angst about the K-7 having a sync speed of
> only 1/180 sec.  Well at least Pentax seems to be honest...
> http://strobist.blogspot.com/2010/01/know-your-sync.html
> Os so it seems to me.
> --
> {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0
> Courier New;}}
> \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the
> interface subtly weird.\par
> }
> --
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