It depends on what has to be done. If it's just an adjustment then the counter is not likely to be set backwards and can only increment. If it's something major then the counter will be set to whatever the last file on what ever card is used to test the camera is. If it happens to be low...

On 2/3/2010 12:55 PM, Joseph Tainter wrote:
"My K20 (as well as DA16~45) they recently repaired seem fine, also.
I reset the image file number which was almost 10,000 when returned. Well above what it was when sent....."



Interesting. When I sent K20D # 2, DA* 16-50 # 1, and DA* 50-135 # 2 to be calibrated to each other, the camera came back with about 7,000 images on the counter. It had about 1500 when I sent it in.


{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier 
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
interface subtly weird.\par

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