> Has anyone posted about this yet? For me, I love the winner. 
> So poetic, so enigmatic.
> http://www.worldpressphoto.org/index.php?option=com_content&ta
> As the NYT says, click on Full Screen before you make an opinion
> http://lens.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/02/12/showcase-122/
> But I am troubled. The winner and the special mention are 
> both about the Iranian election. Did the photos make a 
> difference in the end?

We haven't reached the end. 

Photograph doesn't necessarily work directly, not anymore. But if there were
no photographs and no TV footage, what would we know about events in Iran?
Probably next to nothing. Dramatic photographs make people aware of what is
going on, which is useful in and of itself, but it also means that we can
pressurise our own governments into pressurising the bad guys (who are
sometimes our governments) into being a bit less bad. That can save lives. 

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