On 3/3/2010 2:20 PM, William Robb wrote:
----- Original Message ----- From: "Joseph McAllister"
Subject: Re: UK: Photographer films his own 'anti-terror' arrest,
I'm sure that we are just setting them up to go broke eventually, like
we did with the Soviet Union. Look! The billions they have in US bonds
and stock of ours has devalued about 50%. That's gotta hurt!
The Soviet Union wasn't able to keep up with the arms race, and
bankrupted itself by seeing America as being as much of a threat as
America saw them.
Do you really think you did anyone (especially the people of the
Soviet Union) any favours?
At some point, the Chinese will call in those bonds, and when that
happens, they'll move you inland so that they can have the beachfront
William Robb
China has put themselves over a barrel, they can't call the loans it
will ruin their economy at the same time it ruins ours. We on the other
hand /will/ ruin their economy when we ruin ours. (I wouldn't be
particulary smug if I was a European, Canadian or Japanese for that
matter, you're going down the drain with us). I doubt that China will
find a way to save themselves from our current idiots, or the next ones
who'll be elected to fix things but fail miserably. To say I have
little hope is an understatement, but I'm not worried about the Chinese
taking action. I am worried about a world war, with China and her
Allies against the US and hers. It would make no sense we need each
others traide more than anything either side could win in a shooting
war, but WWI made no sense either, and no one in power particularly
wanted that fight either.
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the
interface subtly weird.\par
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