On 14 March 2010 09:03, John Sessoms <jsessoms...@nc.rr.com> wrote:
> Now Mickey D's (Mickey like Mickey Mouse) is pushing McCafe coffee flavored
> drinks - NO I don't want to try a McCafe today, I want a medium coffee, and
> I don't want nothin' in it BUT coffee ...

Americans may drink it by the bucket load, but they don't "get" coffee.

I grew up & live in a town that is mostly southern European migrants,
Italians & Yugoslaves etc. Proper coffee has been around me all my
life, hell the main street in Fremantle is referred to as The
Cappuccino Strip, due to all the Italian cafe's. That drip shit that
is served everywhere in the US is gawdawful.

And as much as I hate to admit it, the McCafe coffee isn't too bad (if
you're jonesing for a caffeine fix).


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