In the Pentax K mount line alone there are about 150 different prime lenses in K mount, (ok about twenty or so are probably different flavors of "normal"), about another 100 zooms, (once again about 20 or so are different kit zooms).. Counting third party lenses we're talking about literely thousands of useful focal lengths, with little exaggeration there are probably hundreds of gems among them.

On 3/31/2010 2:28 AM, Cotty wrote:
On 30/3/10,, discombobulated, unleashed:

And, in addition to that, you can use
75-year-old lenses
Actually this is a good point.

Tot up all the lenses it would be possible to use on a Pentax. We must
be talking at least a hundred or so. Anyone know? Including the 3rd
party lenses of course and any needing adapters just for good measure....



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