I read about 20 of the comments and then my head exploded.

On 4/13/2010 3:26 PM, Miserere wrote:
I use "wacky" with no intention to insult those who truly are wacky. I
just can't use the word I'd like to use. I'll stick with "wacky" and

So now he's got another K-x, which turns out to be the same unit he
had tested previously, but thise time they gave him a 43mm Ltd to test
it with because he'd indicated the kit lens was faulty. Aparently, he
can't take good pictures with the 43mm Ltd. He doesn't seem to like it
because 43mm on APS-C is equivalent to 64mm...which is even longer
than the kit lens's 18-55mm range, thus too long to be useful.

You read that correctly. That is what he said. And not only did he say
it, when several people commented that this assertion was wrong and
explained it to him, he stuck to his guns. In a hilarious turn of
events, he told everyone they were just not getting it, and they
should read up on equivalent FoVs and crop facotrs, at which point he
linked to a web page explaining the matter. The web page is correct,
of course, but the irony was lost on him as he continued to champion
his cause that 18-55mm DA lens is not the same as an 18-55mm FA lens
because the first is for APS-C sensors and the second for Full-Frame.

Catch all the action here:


I left him a comment explaining that focusing your lens to infinity is
not the best way to get tack-sharp shots of people at 20-40m. He seems
to think infinity starts after 8m, so maybe I'm wrong.

Can any of the Australians here get in touch with Pentax Oz and tell
them not to loan anymore gear to this guy? It's making Pentax look
really bad. And him too, of course--but I have no investment in his



{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier 
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
interface subtly weird.\par

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