Hi Tanja - it all sounds like a great idea and, while it's an ambitious
project, I believe you might well succeed.  Here's a thought: for starters,
what about trying to get in touch with William McInnes?  He's local,
well-known, and I think he is the kind of man who would want to take your
project forward.  
Another local is Veronica Neave: you may recall  that she had both breasts
removed after fearing that she would get cancer because of her family
history(almost all female members suffered from it), and while I am not sure
if she has children, I think her sister does, and there might be a tie-in

Good luck with it, you'll probably get more knock-backs than will be
pleasant, but it's well worth trying!


-----Original Message-----
From: pdml-boun...@pdml.net [mailto:pdml-boun...@pdml.net] On Behalf Of
Tanya Love
Sent: Monday, 26 April 2010 9:45 PM
To: 'Pentax-Discuss Mail List'
Subject: Any ideas on how to get Pentax's attention??

Hey guys and gals,

Well, I have a few projects in the midst.  I am writing a series of
downloadable books aimed at the WAHM (Work At Home Mum) niche market of
and boutique brand owners.  The books are designed to be "by a woman for
women" and are jargon, and techie speak free how-to guides as follows:

1. Basic product photography - exposure, composition, lighting etc
2. Basic photoshop skills to enhance your product photography (deep etching,
resizing, web optimizing etc) 
3. How to shoot your kids (pun intended, it will be a tongue-in-cheek

Anyways, I have a ready made market with a women in business trade forum
that I am a member of, and I am also the guest speaker at an event in July
here in Brisbane which is a 3 day event that culminates with a black tie
awards night bestowing honours to women in the business community.  I will
be running
a workshop that covers briefly the content in my books 1 & 2 above.  The
event is hosted by the website Connect2Mums and is known as the annual
Conference.  I will be using this event to launch my series of books and
the organisers and myself will be offering a 3 for 1 offer to attendees to
promote it.

Next, I also have a long-term ambition of photographing a book that I will
call "Great Expectations".  It will (hopefully!) be a beautiful black and
white fine art
book featuring shots of, and quotes by high profile celebrities doing day to
day activities with their kids.  Things like cooking their dinner, running
their bath,
mowing the lawn, helping with homework and instrument lessons etc.  I have
given myself a 2 year goal to achieve this.  There is A LOT of work here, I
need to
somehow work my way into the circles that agents frequent and become a)
known and b) respected and trusted by them.  I am aiming HIGH here, the
likes of
the Jolie-Pitts and Kidman-Urbans of the world.  BUT, I also want to feature
famous activists, politicians, artists and more.

So, to cut to the chase, these are all projects that will showcase me and my
photography (obviously), and the question will be raised (and answered!)
about the
equipment that I use!  I foresee that Pentax could gain quite a bit of good
publicity from it all, if I succeed in my goals, and I am not in a habit of
NOT succeeding
at stuff that I try!  I was thinking of somehow approaching them for
sponsorship at some level, and was wondering if any of you guys would know
the best channels
to take.

The first thing that jumps out at me immediately is with Book #1 above, I
have already begun to write about equipment to use, and as I am going to be
aiming at a
LESS than amateur audience, I am going to be keeping it at a level of point
and shoot only.   All of my instructions will assume that the user has a
modern, p&s digital
camera and I will be recommending that they buy one with a hot shoe.
Remember that my "guide" will be designed not for people interested in
photography but
interested in improving the image of their brand and the shots of their
products, and they will be busy women who really don't care about why or how
things work
just that they want to know that things DO work.  So, my angle will be for
them to skip over all of the jargon, and look for a camera with a hot shoe.
It is a pretty 
safe bet that any digital camera on the market today that they can afford
and that has a hot shoe on it, will do more than suffice for what they need.

So, I was thinking that with this in mind, and knowing that Pentax has a
great range of award-winning point and shoots (do any have hot shoes?!?), I
was thinking
that it would be great to convince them some how to send me a couple of
cameras to play with so that I can recommend them in my workshops/books and
I am fielding questions from people.

I also think it would be great to promote Pentax to show the public that the
brand CAN be used to achieve Pro-level images, at a fraction of the cost of
C & N equipment.

Oh, one more thing - Mark, you might be able to help here - was thinking
that with my workshop and book #2, I will probably use PS Elements rather
than CS4 as it is
cheaper and more likely to be used by those in my target audience.  Does
anyone know how I might approach Adobe about the possibility of offering it
as an accompaniement
to the books, or at the workshop itself?  I expect that some attendees
(there are already 100 confirmed bookings) will not have any kind of editing
equipment/software and 
will leave the conference wanting to buy!

What do you guys think?  Would love to hear your feedback!

Tan. :)

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