A 200mm f1.8 cost $4500.00 when it was new. The cost of three of those would replace my entire kit, (and I've got a lot of kit), and then some.

On 5/5/2010 12:26 AM, Larry Colen wrote:
As it turns out, the guy on craigslist never replied to any of my emails about the tammy 300/2.8. However, I got a note on facebook from a friend who would like to sell his. Or at the very least is willing to loan it to me to see if I want it. He never uses it since he got a 200/1.8. (85/1.2 200/1.8 it seems that Canon are the people to go to for glass that is long and fast)

His has a Canon FD mount. I have an Adaptall II PK mount, but if I interpret some comments correctly there is a PKA mount that'll (sometimes) transmit info like aperture to the body. Does anyone have one of these kicking around that they want to sell?

Larry Colen l...@red4est.com sent from i4est

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