Sounds like you went above and beyond to make it to the show.  I'm
sure your  presence was appreciated by all.  Thanks for the quick
rundown on your events.

Best regards,

Monday, May 10, 2010, 4:48:18 PM, you wrote:

DB> I started out in the hole.

DB> Dropped the car Wednesday morning for a look-see at an issue I had 
DB> neither the time nor equipment to handle and to get the aircon charged
DB> up; it hadn't worked since I got the car.

DB> Friday morning, two overnights and an astonishing ransom later, I 
DB> finally got it back, with some question whether it would hold together
DB> all the way to Chicago. I popped back to the house, having decided not
DB> to make the trip. My wife looked at the bill, said she figured it would
DB> be that much, and told me to get on the road, as I was running out of time.

DB> I guess she really wanted me out of the house.

DB> Dropped a note to the list, tossed the camera bag and some clothes in 
DB> the car, bolted for the gas station, filled up, and drove back home to
DB> get my CD's and the shirt with the collar on it. Kisses all around and
DB> back on the road, calculated arrival at three-ish Chicago time.

DB> One minor freak-out as I approached Cincinnati. Smoke/fog/steam/demons
DB> came out of the center vents and I was instantly back in high school 
DB> when the engine in my "new" Capri coughed up the magic smoke on the 
DB> Interstate. I dove for the right lane in case something exploded, but 
DB> nothing else happened. A stop at a rest area for a pee and a calming 
DB> walk and I was on my way again, with a wary eye on the instrument cluster.

DB> Made great time. Say what you will about Mercedes, but they shine at 
DB> highway speeds. I stayed within 
DB> stand-on-the-brake-pedal-if-a-trooper-appears distance of the speed 
DB> limit, and burned up the miles, until I hit Chicago, where the last few
DB> miles to my hotel took about an hour.

DB> As a result, I had just long enough to throw my stuff in the room, grab
DB> a camera, ask directions to Chicago and State, and shuffle off to meet
DB> up with Mark & Dr. Lisa, Chris & Karin, and Larry at the CTA station for
DB> the ride up to the gallery.

DB> Frankly, the reception was kind of a blur, with a lot of talking, a lot
DB> of looking, some laughs, and genuine amazement that it was actually 
DB> happening. It was really a classic space, and the people coming in to 
DB> see the work were engaged in the show. A couple of them spoke to me, 
DB> which was nice. There's not a lot of "wow" in my photos, so I didn't 
DB> expect any interest at all.

DB> I regretted declining an offer from Bill, Tom, Annsan and Jay to join 
DB> them for their after party, but I was all stove in. I brisk trip back 
DB> down the Brown Line with Mark and Lisa was pretty much all I could 
DB> handle. I stopped in a 7-11 for some junk food and hardly ate any of it
DB> before I crashed.

DB> It looks as though I may have been the only one who enjoyed the 
DB> Eggleston show, and that's cool. Could be a Southern thing, but the work
DB>   speaks to me in a way that a thousand pretty flower shots could never
DB> do, and I'm writing as someone who shoots pretty flower shots on occasion.

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