Adam Maas wrote:

>The 28-75/2.8 SAM is massively overpriced anyways, the Tamron and
>Konica/Minolta versions of the lens are not only optically identical
>(Tamron's coatings differ, KM coatings are the same) but far cheaper
>and more functional as screwdriver lenses can use DMF focusing mode
>for manual focus override, which is lacking on SAM lenses.

I just ordered the Tamron version :)

BTW: I'll post a summary of my initial impressions of the camera in a
few days. I haven't had enough time as I'd like to work with it yet,
so the first installment will be mostly about build quality,
ergonomics, user interface, etc. 

I expect to do more serious shooting with it at GFM, so I'll follow up
with an image quality report after that. I will say that Mike
Johnston's impressions on image quality - the resolution, of course,
and also his assessment that this camera has the best dynamic range of
anything currently available - were a large part of my motivation for
buying it and they're proving very accurate. Dynamic range is amazing:
obviously in a different league than my K20D.

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