Why it looks like it's all hills and grass. Have fun anyway! :-) Looking
forward to the photos. cheers, Christine
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bob W" <p...@web-options.com>
To: "'Pentax-Discuss Mail List'" <pdml@pdml.net>
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2010 1:56 PM
Subject: PDML Florac
I'll be unsubscribing temporarily in a couple of hours. Heading off to
France for 2 weeks tomorrow, based in Florac, Lozere.
< http://www.mescevennes.com/ >
I'm looking forward to meeting Kiwi biologist Alastair Robertson, his wife
Masha and their baby, who are passing through following a conference in
Montpellier. If any other PDML Cro-Magnons happen to be in the area we are
meeting at the appropriately-named Café du Globe in Florac at 11am on
Wednesday. Neandertals also welcome, but watch your table manners.
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