At 19:04 29-1-2002 -0500, you wrote:
>Why do you choose or stay in Pentax ?

Because I'm perverse?

Because Pentax has that certain "je ne sais quoi"?

To be honest, I have no idea why I chose pentax all those years ago when I 
bought my MX. All I remember is that there was no way I was going to fork 
out an extra tenner to get it in black.
Why have I stayed in Pentax?
When I went to buy my first AF camera, after two attempts with Pentax in as 
many months I actually defected to Minolta. Canon, nikon - no way - too common!
Until the MZ-S, there was no AF Pentax body that I wanted to own. Same goes 
for all the AF zooms & stuff. All flimsy feeling, ugly looking tat. The 
limited lenses - hoorah! - Pentax's saving grace. I stayed.
It was a close call.

(there was no way I would ever get rid of my M-series bodies and lenses though)

Wendy Beard
Ottawa, Canada
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