Short story: anybody interested in a clean-looking PK M 50/2.0?

Longer story: There has been a lot of talk here lately about film so I looked 
it up on Wikipedia. It is some sort of plastic onto which they have put a 
light-sensative emulsion. Go figure! What will they think of next!?! I couldn't 
figure out how to load said coated plastic into my K20, so I went digging 
through the closet. My father-in-law's Leica legacy to me, a M2, seems to have 
a jammed shutter. So it is off for a CLA. His Nikon F3HP seems to have an 
electrical problem; installation of fresh batteries were not sufficient to wake 
it from its long slumber. However, a near-by pawn shop has an OM-1 with 35-70 
zoom and a K-1000 with the aforementioned 50mm. Either for less than $100. I've 
always liked the OM-1, had one for a couple of years, sold it to buy an 
ME-Super. But I think it makes more sense to buy the K-1000 and then to resell 
the 50/2.0. So, anybody interested? $25 + shipping.


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