Look for a 'list manager' app. There are at least a dozen available.
While a dedicated app might implement all of this for you, why bother
with that? Any simple flat database or list app can be set up to do it
so trivially it's not worth worrying about.

Design a list that will allow you to create new entries with a
timestamp includes fields to enter ISO, Aperture, Shutter Speed from a
popup list and free-text notes.

That way your in-field experience is
- Snap photo
- click new entry
- enter aperture, iso, shutter time ... add a note if desirable.

If the list can remember the last settings for an entry when it
creates a new entry, so much the better.

In the absence of even a list manager, just use the default notepad
app. Create the list with tabs between the fields and a return at the
end of each entry. Synchronize that back to the computer and insert it
into a spreadsheet ... done.

On Sun, Jan 30, 2011 at 5:32 AM, Sam <samthegr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am starting to take some film photos w my aunt's old sp1000 and I thought 
> it would be a good time to be a little diligent about noting down the 
> ap/shutter/iso for each photo.
> This will help me figure out if my camera is metering correctly (and also 
> help me figure out how to reproduce a good shot if I ever make one by 
> accident (somewhat joking here)).
> So:  does anyone know of an app for the iPhone that does this?  I've been 
> looking, but my google-Fu is weak.
> thanks,
> Sam
> PS, despite self disparaging jokes, I've been taking photos for a while.  I'm 
> more of a pancake DA40 than a nifty-fifty.
> --
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