A couple of these have Photoshop tweaks, but most are straight out of
Lightroom: http://www.robertstech.com/galleries/gfm2011/

The first 7 are from my pre-workshop camp out on the back country
trails of Grandfather Mountain. This year I camped at Attic Window
Peak again and got both sunset and sunrise shots. Not only was this a
weekend without rain(!), it was the quietest, least windy night I can
ever recall on the mountain.

Photos 8 through 10 are from the Saturday morning hike I did with
occasional-PDML-Lurker (and perennial contest prize-winner) John
Weber. We went on the Profile Trail to one of my favorite stream
photography spots (near where Ted Beilby, Matt Maessen and I went last
year) and waded/rock-hopped upstream until we found places with decent

Photos 11-13 are just random places on the mountain. I think #12 ("Sun
Through Clouds Over the Blue Ridge") is destined to become a large

14-18 are from the Sunday morning hike John Weber and I organized. We
got up just after 4:00 AM, drove to a parking area on the Blue Ridge
Parkway and hiked up the Cragway Trail on the back side of Grandfather
Mountain. Sunrise was disappointing by the hike was splendid anyway.

19 through 23 are from Tuesday evening's sunset. Official GFM
photographer "Supermodel Helen" and I went in after closing and took
sunset shots from the top of Linville Peak. We saw the most amazing
cloud formations.

Shot #24, the rhododendrons, was taken on a seldom-visited viewing
area on the tourist side of the mountain. 

Shot #25: There are many streams that run off Grandfather Mountain.
Most, like Green Mountain Creek, have no trail access. I had to
scramble waaaay down a steep, rocky and overgrown embankment from the
Blue Ridge Parkway to get to this little waterfall. I was ostensibly
on a simple scouting mission so didn't have a tripod with me. I
gathered rocks and built a small cairn to support the camera for this
10-second exposure, triggering the shutter with an infrared remote.

The last stream photo is from oft-photographed Boone Fork and the
final two plant macros are from a hike I did with the GNSA/Wild South
people just before coming home.

I'll have some more GFM video to post in a day or two but these stills
will have to do for now.
Mark Roberts - Photography & Multimedia

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